I have written and converted dictionary files into bedic format for use with Frasmodic and zbedic. All of the Thai to English dictionary files are sorted for real Thai dictionary order, you must use my patched zbedic, there can be problems if you use zbedic unpatched.
I am looking for more dictionary files, in particular a Thai-Thai dictionary and dialect dictionaries. If anyone can supply me with the electronic form of a dictionary or part of a dictionary please contact me. Note: All these dictionaries have been obtained from legitimate sources.
Name | File | Type | Size (entries) | Build Date |
BibTex Bibliographies | see how to | Literature reference | N/A | N/A |
Image, Video Processing and Computer Vision | vision-1.6.dic.dz | Technical glossary | 630 | 09.02.2016 |
Japanese/EDICT/Kanji Keywords | ja-en-kanji-2.2.dic.dz | Japanese-English | 234577 | 31.03.2018 |
Japanese/EDICT/Kana Keywords | ja-en-kana-2.2.dic.dz | Japanese-English | 189378 | 31.03.2018 |
Japanese/EDICT | en-ja-2.2.dic.dz | English-Japanese | 201001 | 31.03.2018 |
Korean/ldic | en-ko.dic.dz | English-Korean | 80784 | 13.12.2006 |
Korean/ldic | ko-en.dic.dz | Korean-English | 49757 | 13.12.2006 |
Teach Yourself Thai | tyt-enth-2.0.dic.dz | English-Thai | 422 | 18.10.2009 |
Teach Yourself Thai | tyt-then-2.0.dic.dz | Thai-English | 427 | 18.10.2009 |
SEAsite | seasite-then-2.1.dic.dz | Thai-English | 8171 | 18.10.2009 |
FunThai | funthai-enth-2.0.dic.dz | English-Thai | 2632 | 18.10.2009 |
FunThai | funthai-then-2.0.dic.dz | Thai-English | 2236 | 18.10.2009 |
FunThai | funthai-r-then-2.0.dic.dz | Romanised Thai-English | 2101 | 18.10.2009 |
Hope | hope-enth-2.0.dic.dz | English-Thai | 37020 | 18.10.2009 |
Lex | lex-enth-2.0.dic.dz | English-Thai | 54492 | 18.10.2009 |
Lex | lex-then-2.0.dic.dz | Thai-English | 33060 | 11.01.2010 |
Roll your own dictionary based on your BibTeX bibliographies. See my instructions and conversion script.
This dictionary is a collection of terms concerning image processing, video processing and computer vision. There are many terms covering the human visual system, stereoscopy and video coding.
Acknowledgements: Many of the terms have been collected over a number of years. I wrote them down verbatim or paraphrased. I have no record of where from or who was the original author. If anyone feels sleighted by this, please email me. A number of terms have been derived from Visionary and Image Labs Glossary. Many of the "derived" definitions have been altered for clarity, modified or had the spelling corrected. All spellings have been converted to British English. This is really a personal project for myself and also a continuing work in progress.
These dictionaries use data from EDICT. I have made my own conversion to bedic format, I have also generated a version where the keywords are indexed by kana. EDICT is regularly updated therefore I use a versioning system as well as build date.
The English-Japanese dictionary has been made by reverse lookup. This is not recommended as a reference but may be useful for search purposes. I have tried to come up with some rules that group together like keywords, e.g. "swim" and "to swim" are found under the same entry. You may find it useful to try phrases as keywords and search around.
These dictionaries have been adapted from the archives at ldic. Using the Unifont font available from the zbedic project (see link above), it is possible to use Korean on Zaurus.
The original dictionary files are used in commercial products but I believe them to be public domain. I know very little about Korean so Naupaka Zimmerman has helped me by extensively testing the files, making many valuable comments and spotting my mistakes.
This conversion came about following this discussion on the Open Embedded Software Forums.
I have typed up the words used in the book Teach Yourself Thai. Some of them are things like "sixty three" so they are not all true dictionary words. However, this should be useful to people who have read the book or are reading it.
I have downloaded and converted the SEAsite online dictionary from the Centre for South East Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University. This dictionary has extensive examples and the online version has sound samples too.
There were a number of typographic errors: tone markers and vowels were entered in the wrong order, some isolated diacritics and spelling mistakes in the English. The Thai errors have been fixed using thaicheck.
I extracted the dictionaries from the last 3 chapters of The Fundamentals of the Thai Language, also available online here. These also include transliterated or Romanised Thai. I've included this in the dictionary files but there is no way to represent long vowel sounds. This has resulted in a few odd groupings of words. I don't think it's a good idea to rely on transliterations because there are different systems. I found two mistakes which have been corrected.
This is the dictionary from DictHope by Hope Studio. Hope dictionary has a lot of definitions of technical words and some very detailed entries. However, there are some words that I am not so happy about. For example, "mayn't" is not a real English word and it's not a contraction I've ever heard. There are mistakes in the dictionary, plenty of them are typographical but there are also hanging full stops and brackets not in pairs. In the future I may modify this conversion.
These dictionaries are extracted from the well known Lexitron:
This product is created by the adaptation of LEXiTRON developed by NECTEC (http://www.nectec.or.th/)
Lexitron is a good general purpose dictionary although it does have errors. Original data downloaded through http://www.opentle.org (OpenTLE) which now appears to be offline.